Thursday, May 26, 2011

Exciting Results from p:earblossoms 2011 - ALCHEMY

And you?

When will you begin that long journey into yourself?

And become a ruby mine, open to the gifts of the sun.

By a journey of that sort earth became a place where you find gold.

(rumi, edited)

p:earblossoms ‘11: AlCHEMY

Ancient alchemists bent over boiling crucibles, squeezed bellows before mesmerizing flames and scoured obscure formulas hoping to transmute base metals into gold. If truly lucky, determination and serendipity would lead them to the discovery of a universal elixir that created a reaction of magical transformation.

And Saturday night, May 14th, was one of those STUNNING alchemic transformations.

It is in these moments that we remember the magnitude of the power of relationships and community, the potency of love, and the healing kindness of believing in and taking care of each other.

Thanks to all of you, that believed in the magic of your bidder number and the gold of your generosity; p:earblossoms ’11 was the most successful event in our 9 year history, infusing our program with over $210,000! (eclipsing last year by almost 50%).

Thank you for being an integral and immensely valued part of this community, from donor, board member, cheerleader, creator, volunteer, to transformer.

The critical alchemic ingredient to powerful transformation and real change in a young person’s life is unconditional support and love in a trusting and sustained relationship with at least one healthy adult – a mentor.

p:ear transforms lives by mentoring these young people on their journeys - by giving them language, a voice, and support to form new stories beyond the limiting beliefs of themselves into more expansive truths.

Thank you for having such compassionate hearts to support us on this journey to ensure that as many kids as possible walk out our doors more confident, more vibrant, more complete and prepared to live their lives with integrity, passion, foresight and courage.

Thank you for transforming lives.

With gratitude,

Beth & p:ear

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